When a MotoGP biker takes on sharp bends at 100mph with full confidence, it looks average for any motorcycling newbie. However, if you are the regular rider with regular motorbikes, you understand that MotoGP is an entirely new dimension in motorcycling. Everything is enhanced, from the bikes performance to the controls and most importantly, the […]
The value of the Automotive Electronics Market has an estimate value of $290 billion by the future year of 2024. The demands of high priced advanced audio systems and driver assistance systems are the main factors predicted to alter the growth of the market. HIghly exponentially rising trends of internal vehicle “infotainment” are very likely […]
Doing research on wonderful inventions, you’ll quickly discover that Swiss scientists have provided the world with awesome inventions that that changed the world forever. Accommodation Engelberg for instance makes use of their inventions and the Rex vegetable peeler, invented and patented by Alfred Neweczerzal in 1947 is a simply but highly sought after little gadget. […]
It really is hard to believe that anyone that is using different types of electronics in their vehicles has to be concerned about security. This is referring to cyber security and not safety security in respect to the operation of the vehicles. With there being so much automation being built into vehicles the government has […]
If you want to get the best quality sound while you are driving, it is important that you have good speakers and that they are positioned correctly. You will also need a top of the market receiver, with an amplifier and tweeters to give the maximum effect and the best listening experience. A sound that […]
Technology is a dominant, indiscriminate force. It dominates all other areas and does not discriminate what it touches, it just does and goes on to change it for the better. This could be said for cars. Cars have been known to be one way for 100 years or so. There haven’t been too many eye-popping […]